WIS Chemical Anchors

WIS Chemical Anchors

Our chemical anchoring systems are are formulated for maximum performance and ease of use. This product range will cater to all your anchoring equirements
in any base material.


The WPSF100 is a universal styrene-free chemical anchoring system for medium to heavy loads. It is approved for installations in non-cracked concrete, solid masonry, and hollow masonry.

Features and Benefits:

  • ETA Option 7 approval for non-cracked concrete
  • ETA ETAG029 approval for hollow and solid masonry
  • Installations in wet and flooded holes without loss of load capacity
  • Reduced edge and anchor spacing distances
  • For use with industry-standard silicone dispensing guns


The WVSF200 is a high performance styrene-free chemical anchoring system for medium to heavy loads. It is approved for use in cracked and non-cracked concrete under normal and seismic conditions, and for postinstalled rebar connections.

Features and Benefits:

  • ETA Option 1 approval for cracked and non-cracked concrete
  • ETA TR023 for post-installed rebar connections
  • Seismic performance category C1 for design of anchorages under seismic action
  • Approved for use with rebars as anchors in non-cracked concrete
  • Reduced edge and anchor spacing distances


The WPER500 is a high performance pure epoxy based chemical anchoring system for heavy and very heavy loads. It is approved for use in cracked and
non-cracked concrete under normal and seismic conditions, and for postinstalled rebar connections.

Features and Benefits:

  • ETA Option 1 approval for cracked and non-cracked concrete
  • ETA TR023 for post-installed rebar connections
  • Seismic performance categories C1 and C2 for design of anchorages under seismic action
  • Approved for use with rebars as anchors in cracked and non-cracked concrete
  • Reduced edge and anchor spacing distances

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  • Maximálne 200 znakov
  • Ak sa rozhodnete v budúcnosti nás kontaktovať, budeme vaše údaje vždy bezpečne uchovávať a nikdy ich nebudeme zdieľať s tretími stranami na účely marketingu. Kedykoľvek sa môžete odhlásiť. Naše pravidlá ochrany osobných údajov si môžete prečítať prostredníctvom odkazu v dolnej časti tejto stránky.

WPSF 100WPSF 200WPER 500
Zinc-flake coated
Stainless Steel (SSt)
Non-cracked ConcreteApproved iconApproved iconApproved icon
Cracked ConcreteApproved iconApproved icon
Silicate BrickApproved icon
Solid BrickApproved icon
Hollow BrickApproved icon
Aerated ConcreteAlso suitable for icon
StoneAlso suitable for icon
ETAVinkje iconVinkje iconVinkje icon
SeismicC1C1 / C2
FireVinkje iconVinkje iconVinkje icon

Approved icon Approved | Also suitable for icon Also suitable for

  • 6099113

    WIS Chemické kotvy WPSF100

    • skrátenie vzdialeností od okrajov a rozostupu kotiev
    • vždy správny pomer miešania vďaka statickej tryske zmiešavača
    • pre použitie so štandardnými pištoľami na silikón

    Viac informácií

  • 6099123

    WIS Chemické kotvy WVSF200

    • skrátenie vzdialeností od okrajov a rozostupu kotiev
    • vždy správny pomer miešania vďaka statickej tryske zmiešavača
    • schválené pre použitie s výstužou ako kotvy v netrhlinovom betóne

    Viac informácií

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