Walraven Pacifyre® FPW & IWM III – Calculator

Do you struggle to know which length to cut to achieve the correct number of layers on your Walraven Pacifyre® FPW Fire Protection Wrap and Walraven Pacifyre® IWM III Fire Strip?

Our experts have got you covered! They’ve developed a handy calculator to help you use our products efficiently without any waste.

What do you need to do?

  1. Select the diameter of your pipe in millimetres (mm).
  2. Enter the number of layers you need to apply. You can find this information in the ETA:
  3. Input the size of the possible insulation in millimetres (mm). If none, add zero.

If you have any questions, please never hesitate to contact our experts.


Pipe Ø:




How many mm should you cut to have the required layers?

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