Heating system installations can involve a lot of pipework, all of which needs to be adequately supported and fixed to the building surface. If you usually fix your pipe clips to the wall using individual backplates, you might want to consider looking at what small profile channel can offer to make this kind of install a little bit easier.
Using a small profile channel can offer some great benefits over fixing your pipe clips individually to the wall. And it doesn’t have to cost the Earth!
Here are some of the key benefits of using a small profile channel:
The most common channel profiles on the market are 41×41 and 41×21. Both of these profiles however, are larger than is required for these kinds of installations. They use a lot of steel making them expensive alongside the preassembled nuts that fit them.
However, Walraven’s RapidRail® channel is a very cost-effective alternative to using standard strut channel sizes (both41x41 and 41×21). It is a 30×20 profile so is much lighter and uses much less steel, and it has been load tested in various configurations to evidence its suitability for these kinds of installations.
The parts are likely to cost a little more than using backplates, but not as much as you might think! We did a price comparison for installing 2 rows of 12 pipe clips on a wall (prices at January 2023, prices can vary across suppliers).
This shows it can be as little as £1.63 more expensive to use Walraven RapidRail® system. But when you also consider that you should also be able to complete the job quicker and easier, you might consider it to be worth it.
If you want to give it a try you can purchase RapidRail® easily online from one of our major stockists JPL Direct (mentioned in the price comparison above) or Trentside Fixings (another major stockist).
Williams Plumbing Merchants also stock RapidRail® in their branches or you can purchase from their website.
Still not convinced? Read some installer testimonials.